Friday, March 2, 2012

Running in Cow Country

is it pissed or not
The mesa is open range meaning their are cows along various parts of the course. Helpful information for running in cow country. you must avoid surprising the cows at close range. If the terrain makes it hard for them to see you as you approach, make lots of noise. Talk loudly, wear a bell, sing the Monty Python Lumberjack song. If  you are spotted by a cow, try to get its attention while  it is a good distance away. Help the cow to  recognize that you are human by talking to it in a normal voice, waving your arms. Try not to travel alone. In a group, cows will attack the weakest link. Try and run with people much slower and fatter than yourself and if the cows rush you, point at that obnoxious guy with the short legs that has complained the entire run..   Next time Bear safety.

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