Monday, September 16, 2013

Dear 2013 Grand Mesa Ultra Runners-

An update on the fifth graders from Pomona Elementary School in Montrose...

We will be going to Camp Red Cloud on September 25.  Because of your participation in the GM Ultra last summer and your many generous donations, we were able to give scholarships for the cost of the camp to 12 students! Without your help, these students may have missed out on this amazing outdoor experience.  Additional funds also helped pay for transportation, thus reducing the cost to all students and their families.  I think the excerpt from the scholarship application written by one of my students sums it up best. "I have never in my life gone to a camp as cool as Camp Red Cloud.  And I've never gone canoeing and horseback riding.  I would really love to spend more time with my classmates doing all kinds of activities with them."  The student who wrote this turned in the application to me, pulled out his wallet, handed me a small part of the registration fee, and shyly said, "That's all I was able to save for camp."  He looked at me like he expected to be turned down, but because of your help, I had the money to pay for the rest of his expenses.  Thank you.

Watch for photographs of our trip in a few weeks.

And to all of you, thanks again for helping out my kiddos.
